A Statewide Resource

By: Karen Brasher

A Statewide Resource

The Hiram D. Palmertree North Mississippi Research and Extension Center

With 16 locations, plus campus units, organizing people, animals, and infrastructure while conducting agricultural research to benefit Mississippians can be overwhelming. In the 1980s-1990s, the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) and the MSU Extension Service took a regional approach to form Research and Extension Centers. The four R&E Centers provide direction for MAFES Branch Experiment Stations and Units in cooperation with county Extension offices. By working together in regions, MAFES scientists and Extension specialists deliver research and education to each region's specific needs.

The Hiram D. Palmertree North Mississippi Research and Extension Center is located in Verona, serving north Mississippi. Agronomy, horticulture, and beef cattle research is conducted in this region. Likewise, the Raymond-based Frank T. "Butch" Withers Jr. Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center conducts research on agronomy, horticulture, and beef cattle. The Delta Research and Extension Center, located in Stoneville, conducts agronomic and aquaculture research.

In Biloxi, the Coastal Research and Extension Center conducts horticulture, seafood, coastal, and beef cattle research. Visit the R&E Center in your region to meet our scientists and learn about their work.
